Reece Taylor one of Dyer Engineering’s apprentices has come top in a semi-final event for this year’s national SkillWeld 2013 competition.
Having won the semi-final, 20-year-old Reece Taylor stands a strong chance of being shortlisted to compete in the final stage of the competition at the NEC in Birmingham in November 2013 and become one of just ten welders from across the UK to compete at the final event.
Reece was presented with a certificate and a new welding helmet by Susan Errington, Director of Business Development at Derwentside College.
Reece Taylor said: “This has been a great experience so far and I’m really glad that my employer suggested that I enter. The competition has been really tough and the skills needed to complete each of the set tasks has been very high indeed. I am looking forward to the final.”
Leigh Foulger, Dyer Engineering’s Production Manager, joined everyone at Dyer Engineering in expressing their pride and congratulating Reece on his exceptional achievement.
Dyer Engineering’s graduate and apprentice training scheme grows from strength to strength with Reece’s success coming only months after John Radford, another Dyer Engineering apprentice who was placed third in the Welding Institute Northumbria Branch student awards.