North East businesses operating in the oil & gas sector supply chain can boost their export opportunities as part of a Northern Powerhouse initiative led by UK Trade and Investment (UKTI).
Featured are Graeme Parkins (MD, Dyer Engineering) alongside David Coppock (Regional Director, UKTI) and George Rafferty (Chief Executive, NOF).
North East businesses operating in the oil & gas sector supply chain can boost their export opportunities as part of a Northern Powerhouse initiative led by UK Trade and Investment (UKTI).
Dyer Engineering who already export 6% of output are working alongside NOF Energy and UKTI to launch a series of trade missions to international markets that hold significant opportunities for UK companies as part of the Northern Powerhouse Initiative.
The initiative has been introduced to highlight the innovations, technologies, and services of businesses in the Northern Powerhouse regions, by supporting first-time exporters and new-to-market enterprises emphasising the value of the North of England supply chain to the global market and, in turn, the economic benefit the sector brings to the UK economy.
David Coppock Regional Director of UKTI said: “Within the Northern Powerhouse regions are innovative companies that have developed technology-led solutions that will be in demand from the international market. Therefore, by utilising the strengths of the Northern Powerhouse, we can help fuel our economy by increased exports to industries such as oil and gas.”
George Rafferty, Chief Executive of NOF Energy, commented: “The markets we are targeting have active oil and gas sectors keen to engage with UK businesses. The North of England supply chain is particularly strong and can support the ambitions of the Northern Powerhouse with its export-led activities”.
Graeme Parkins (MD Dyer Engineering) said: “Looking at export opportunities is quite a daunting and potentially risky venture but with support from organisations such as NOF energy and UKTI to point us in the right direction, this is a brilliant opportunity”